/ NEWS & EVENTS / Company news / P3.9x7.8mm Circle transparent LED Display stock available in Dubai

P3.9x7.8mm Circle transparent LED Display stock available in Dubai

2023-01-20 1608

Recently XL Visual delivered 20pcs P3.9x7.8mm circle transparent LED display stocks to the Dubai warehouse, featuring 2,500nits brightness, 1.75m diameter dimension, Novastar TB30 asynchronous control system, till the day we rea\lease the news, only 8pcs left. 


The product is idealy designed for retail shops, especially installed behind the glass windows, which can present the branding logo and simple promoting information, a great communication carries for the shopers passing by. Also it could be used for short terms rental for the exhibition stands, easy hanging installation and flight case package available.


For detailled product specification and price, feel free to contact with us via info@xl-visual.com or drop us a line, +86 13632515757.


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